where has the time gone. I have not had a chance to update in ages, to be honest I don't have time now, but I'm waiting on some icing.... so here is a quick post.
If you are wondering what I have been up to, here are some pics, and I will try to post more in detail later when I have more free time. For those of you who don't know, I go abit loco in November. I have a gingerbread project for the festival of trees, and every year i push myself farther and farther. That on top of two jobs, cake orders, and personal obligations leaves little time for superfluous blogging, lol!
so without further ado... here is the past few weeks in my culinary adventures in photos with future elaboration to come 8)
bacon jam
there was also several recent cake orders including my worst cake disaster to date. lets start with the bad one...
Toothless, the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. This did not go well for me. Thankfully the client was super understanding and rad about it. the torso would not support the weight of the head. I am going t call this a "teachable moment" or perhaps a "learning experience". OK what it as was no sleep and alot of tears. But i did learn alot. this dragon kicked my rump.
there was alot of little things to like cookies, cheddar shortbread with fresh thyme, different kinds of cake pops, roasted pumpkin seeds with my nephew, and treats for Bunz on his bday.
and there were even afew successful cake orders 8)
The lovely Suchy family made my day again by letting me design a cake for their little super hero.
my fave part was these hand painted candies!!! cute little tie in to his favorite heroes.
Have I told you about the tiger yet? It was a challenge too. but in the end I was fairly pleased with it. I really liked some of the texture I achieved, and the mouth was awesome. around the eyes, I could have done a better job, but overall it was pretty cool. The birthday girl seemed happy, she is one cool Chickie, I'm glad I got to be part of the party.
I made a birthday cake for a good friends little boy just before Halloween. a spooky gingerbread house on top of a big ol' cake hill.
keeping with thee Halloween theme, i was commissioned to make a fondant free cake with a chocolate plaque.
and one of my most lovely coworkers got her man a nerdy cake... my favorite kind to make!
SO. yup that's been keeping me busy... today I am making 3 cakes, and then tomorrow night I help one of my favorite ladies with her Gold Medal Plates! So much going on... Come back soon to see progress on the Gingerbread project.
Peace Out Homeslices.
heh heh
Oh yes ... one other update. In my MaCaRoN post I mentioned I had not met nor tasted the wares of Mirabel Mac.... Update. I have met her, she is absolutely lovely. And I tasted her wares, they are absolutely divine!!!
Ok I really gotta go!!! Italian buttercream waits for no woman!
Wow, that's awesome. You nailed it!!! Nice work.